What is the purpose of this retreat and the Above Rubies Ministry?
Above Rubies is a ministry to encourage women in their high calling as wives, mothers, and homemakers. Its purpose is to uphold and strengthen family life and to raise the standard of God's truth in the nation. The name has been chosen from Proverbs 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies."

Who is Nancy Campbell?
Please see the Campbell's bio on www.aboverubies.org

How do I register to attend the retreat?
At this time we are doing a mail-in registration only. You will find a PDF registration form under the “Registration” tab at the top of the website. Click on it, print the PDF, fill it out, and mail with full payment to:

Tammy Sutton
3363 Silkwood Lane
Pace, FL. 32571

For local drop off you may hand deliver or slip registration under door:

Hartman Photography
4373 5th Ave.
Pace, FL. 32571
(Next to Oops Alley on Hwy 90)

When is the deadline to register for the retreat?
  • December 15, 2012 is the deadline for early bird registration.
  • January 15, 2013 is the final date for registration.

What forms of payment do you accept?
We will accept checks and money orders made payable to Tammy Sutton for registrations to the 2013 retreat.

What does the conference fee cover?
There are three choices when registering for this year’s retreat. All retreat options will include use of the conference hall, airfare for Nancy and the girls, transportation for them, and fees associated with putting the retreat together.
If you choose the full weekend option(1), your conference fee will also cover 2 nights sleeping accommodations in the lodge and 6 meals (Friday dinner through Sunday lunch).
If you choose the commuter option(2), your conference fee will cover 4 meals (Friday dinner, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and Sunday lunch) as well as the day use fee the camp charges for persons not staying on campus.

The conference fee for those who prefer to come on Saturday only(3) will include the day use fee and 2 meals on Saturday (lunch and dinner)

Entire Weekend “Early Bird”
Entire Weekend “Full Price”
Saturday Only

What do I do if I registered and have not received an email within 7 days?
Check your spam folder for anything from Aboverubies2013@gmail.com. You can also send an Email to the finance coordinator on the contact form of this website.

Who is on the planning committee and how can I contact them?
In order to reduce the amount of spam email we are not listing email addresses on this site. Please use the contact form and the appropriate committee member will contact you.

What is the weekend schedule?
The schedule for the 2013 retreat has not been finalized. This will be posted and emailed to all registered attendees as soon as possible. Currently, the plan is to begin registration at 3:30PM on Friday and to disperse after lunch on Sunday.

Can I get a refund if I have to cancel?

Refund Dates
Refund Amounts
Prior to January 15, 2013
Refund on all but $50 deposit
After January 15
No refund

Will there be any optional sessions or other speakers?
Many come to the retreat with expectations of free time, fellowship, and learning new things. All of the sessions are optional. There will be some free time in which many women choose to nap, take a walk, pray, or fellowship with friends. When completed, the schedule will reflect all of the events at the retreat. There will not be any other demonstrations or performances, so look forward to a wonderful Simply Above Rubies Retreat!

Will there be anyone else selling items?
No, the only things on display or for sale will be the book table for Above Rubies. However, we will have a silent auction where you can bid on various items; 100% of the money collected will be given to Nancy to help publish another issue of her magazine. See the link here for more information on our SilentAuction!

I am interested in purchasing a few of the Above Rubies Bible study courses. Will I be able to purchase them there?
There are usually a variety of written books and studies, DVDs, and CDs available. Because Colin is not speaking, all of the materials he has written for men may not be available. You may order any of their products that are not at the book table and pay no shipping. So stock up and give CD's, books, etc. for Mother's day and Father's day coming up!

Can I bring my child or children with me?
Of course! We ask that each lady remember that this is a ladies retreat to encourage women in their high calling as wives, mothers, and homemakers. Nurslings are always welcome, as are teen daughters. We provide an option for daughters 10 and up who are able to sit still and listen, help mom with a younger sibling, etc. We also understand that some ladies would not be able to attend without bringing a child(ren) that are not capable of staying home with dad or another caregiver.
One option, which we strongly recommend considering, is to bring an older daughter, niece, or trusted teen as a mother's helper. Full payment for her registration will be required, but this may be the best option for some ladies.
If you bring your children, they will remain your responsibility at all times! Children under the age of 12 will not be allowed to roam the camp unsupervised. They must be quietly seated with you during the sessions in the conference hall. We understand toddlers need to stretch their legs; we just ask that consideration be given of others in the back of the room and keep them as quiet as possible. Please prayerfully consider if your child is able to do this. Some of the sessions run a little long and, although totally appropriate, some of Mrs. Nancy's subject matter is more adult-related. There may be some topics as abortion, the birth control pill, sex within marriage, etc. Some of the content may not be suitable for young girls that have not had "the talk" so please be prepared for any questions your daughter may have concerning the material presented at the retreat.

Is there anything for my husband and children to do while I am in sessions?
There are no accommodations available for husbands at the retreat since all women staying on-site will be in the lodges. There are no activities planned for the weekend. We will have approximately 2 hours of unscheduled free time on Saturday. The rest of the weekend is filled with Nancy’s speaking sessions and possibly a scheduled fellowship time.
Colin Campbell will not be attending nor leading men's sessions. Neither will we have a separate children's program of any sort. Children attending the retreat and sessions with Mom will be expected to sit quietly with Mom. Children under 12 are not allowed to be anywhere without an adult.
There is a “day use” fee the camp charges for people who are not staying on site, but are using some of the facilities. If there is a need for them to be onsite longer than two hours, they will need to register as an attendee.

If my baby falls asleep, where can I put him/her down?
Many mothers will let their babies sleep in their lap or sling. You may also bring your stroller, port a crib, or something else that he/she is comfortable in, but you will not be allowed to leave your child unattended.

I would like to attend the retreat, but do not have the funds available to pay the full registration amount. Is there a way that I can still attend?
It is our sincere desire that everyone desiring to come will be able to do so. Please make this a matter of prayer and we trust that the Lord will provide. A non-refundable $50 deposit will hold your spot until January 15, 2013 when the full amount is due. If you cancel after January 15, 2013 we will not be able to refund any money. If a friend, relative, pastor, or anyone else is paying for your registration, then each attendee must collect the checks or money orders (made payable to Tammy Sutton) and mail them all together to finalize your registration. Only full payments will be reserve your space after January 15, 2013. It is the responsibility of each registrant to complete her registration and pay her bill.

I would like to be in the same lodge or save a bed for my friend, what can I do?
Rooms hold 4 ladies and are assigned on a first come, first served basis. All of you should indicate on your registration form that you would like the same lodge. We suggest if you would like to save beds for your friend, you bring along paper to write their name on and place it on the bed.

If I bring someone to help me care for my children, what is the cost?
Many ladies have attended and brought grandma, niece, neighbor, friend’s daughter, etc. to help care for the children at the retreat. The cost to bring anyone is the same whether their intent is to babysit or listen at the sessions.

May I bring my own food?
If you have requested a lodge with a kitchen, because of legitimate dietary restrictions, we will do our best to accommodate you. Please note that the 2 lodges with kitchens will be assigned on a first come, first served basis, based on paid registrations. However, every attendee will pay the same amount for all the meals whether you choose to eat them or not. There will be a salad bar at lunch and dinner and drinks. Even when attendees did bring their own food in prior years, they missed the fellowship during meals, so we hope you understand and will enjoy meal time for a weekend.

I would like to pay for my friend, relative or mother to come. What do I do?
We are excited when ladies want to bless others by paying their way! In order to ease the paper burden, we ask that you register that person and send in the full payment or they can register and you give them the full payment amount to mail in. We cannot accept partial payments from multiple people or any other sort of arrangements. If you want to be anonymous, then you may want to register them and send in the full payment and state the circumstances. Thereafter, tell them to contact us in order to make any changes in contact info or other areas of the registration form you may not have been able to answer correctly.

What items should I bring?
Item for Silent Auction: This can be anything you have around the house that you are willing to sell as a fundraiser for Above Rubies. Please bring 1 item to donate.
Personal Items: You will need typical personal things such as clothing, shoes, toiletries, etc.
Note taking supplies: Bible, pen, highlighters, paper, and anything else to take notes. A few pages for notes will be provided in your folder.
Baby equipment: For those bringing little ones don't forget items such as your sling, blanket for the floor, port-a-crib, exersaucer, side rail for bed (for co-sleeping, if needed), highchair, booster seat (these can be left in the dining hall for ease), Boppy, Bumbo, and QUIET toys for baby / toddler play area in the auditorium.
Miscellaneous items: flashlight, hiking boots/shoes, umbrella, mosquito repellent, camera, scrapbooks to show others, sweater in case it is too cool for you in the auditorium, etc. and ANYTHING you might need for free time.
Extra money in order to purchase any books, study manuals, cassettes, etc. offered on the Above Rubies book table. Pay no shipping, so stock up now and buy gifts for Mother's Day and Father's Day coming up! We will also have a love offering (see question about love offering to plan accordingly).
Snacks: To ensure your dietary needs are met, you should bring easy snacks for you and those attending with you. However, since we have many pregnant women and small children,we are asking everyone to bring a healthy finger food/snack to share. Some suggestions are: bread, cubed meat and cheese, cut up veggies, hardbolied eggs, crackers, nuts, fruit, chips, pretzels, granola, muffins, etc. Of course we all like baked goods and chocolate, but we ask that moms limit the sugary snacks they allow their children to eat in order to avoid behavioral problems during the sessions when everyone is trying to listen. Please keep in mind we have to keep the auditorium clean to avoid ants and additional cleaning fees so please supervise your children eating and clean up after yourselves. We will provide cups, plates, and napkins, but no utensils so please bring a finger food that is easy to eat and does not require any utensils to eat or cut up.
There will be water in igloos in the back of the conference center. If you prefer bottled water, please bring your own as we will not provide bottled water.

What is the directory or database?
Many ladies enjoy having contact information, interests, etc. so they can contact other ladies in the group. Please use the registration form to indicate if you would not like to have your info shared. The database is for fellowship purposes ONLY and NOT to be used for soliciting funds.

Is there a dress code?
The purpose of the Above Rubies ministry is to encourage women in their high calling as wives, mothers, and homemakers. Therefore, it is our prayer that the women attending would desire to honor our Lord Jesus with their attire. We are blessed to be able to use the facilities at Camp Baldwin, but we must remember that there may be other groups on-site as well. There might be other ladies, men, or youth groups. Please be considerate when choosing which clothing items to bring. Avoid bringing tank tops, low cut blouses, blouses that show midriff or bra straps, low-waisted pants, short shorts or short skirts, etc. Health codes require shoes at all times.

Will you be taking up a Love offering?
Yes, on Saturday, we will be taking up an offering for Nancy Campbell and her daughters. Nancy does not charge any speaking fees and collects no salary through Above Rubies. Her ministry is funded through donations. Please pray with and talk to your husband and consider what the Lord might have your family give. The book table volunteers can also accept donations for them at any time. Please be prepared to write separate checks for the three ministries represented.
  • Donations for Colin and Nancy Campbell for their living expenses are to be made payable to: Nancy Campbell.
  • Donations for the publishing of Above Rubies magazines are to be made payable to: Above Rubies.

What is the Above Rubies free magazine and how do I subscribe?
The vital role of this amazing publication and ministry is in the encouragement and support of marriage, motherhood and family life in America and throughout the world. For 30 years Nancy Campbell has been publishing the Above Rubies Magazine, as an unpaid labor of love, supported by a very small band of dedicated volunteers. The Campbell family has worked tirelessly in strengthening families and motherhood in these tumultuous and uncertain times. Above Rubies is definitely a major international ministry, reaching and playing a crucial role in over 100 countries of the world. The magazine currently circulates over 128,000 copies worldwide - and if 128,000 are being distributed, readership is more like half a million!

A 501(c)3 non-profit organization, the Above Rubies Ministry is more than just a magazine. Nancy Campbell answers literally thousands of letters that pour in each year, as well as speaking at family camps, women’s retreats, and preparing teaching materials and manuals.

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